Dear St. Peter Academy Parents and Guardians,

Our Faculty, Staff, Administration, and Governing Board members have been working diligently to prepare our building and community for a much anticipated return to classes this Fall. The Academy has been successfully operating with our early childhood (toddler) and summer programs for the past seven weeks. Since June 29th, students and faculty have been actively engaged in fun activities, while enjoying a safe, sanitized, healthy, and socially-distanced environment.

To ensure that everyone is kept informed of our policies, procedures, and plans for the start of in-person classes on Tuesday, September 8th, please be advised that we are planning a Town Hall Meeting for St. Peter Academy families that will be taking place during the week of Monday, August 24th. We have done our due diligence and submitted a plan to the state prior to the opening of our early childhood program and summer programs, while submitting a secondary plan for Fall classes that was provided to officials today. This secondary plan includes an in-person plan, virtual learning plan, and hybrid scenario of the two proposals. Families will be briefed on these strategies at the Town Hall Meeting.

Until then, we are looking forward to a successful year ahead and welcoming everyone back home to St. Peter Academy!  Lastly, for your reference and planning, a school calendar for the 2020-21 academic year has been attached to this message.


Frank Galligan, Ed.M., Principal, St. Peter Academy

Maryann Crush, President, St. Peter Academy Board